
Hometown and current home.
Currently: Vancouver, BC.
When did you start skating and why?
I started skating when I was 9, an was influenced by the 1999 Xgames VHS movie I had. Tony Hawk’s facial expression after landing the first ever 900 was the expression I wanted to feel. I started because I always did singular activities like bike or sled around the house, so a skateboard was the next best tool I could use at any given moment.
What do you like to do when your not skating?
When I’m not skating I like to photograph architecture, create youtube videos, or read material that inspires me.
Favourite place to skate?
The courts is a favourite because it has many ledge an flat bar variations. It’s nice to toy around, create lines an learn tricks at.
Best skate video part of all time?
Mark Suciu – Search the Horizon
What do you like about Kitsch?
What I like about Kitsch is it’s west coast founded, they collaborate with great artists, an their board shapes have concave that hits the feels!