For the month of Feburary 2008, Kitsch Skateboards went to Europe. Our plan was to to stay three weeks in Barca and one week in Portugal.
After months of planning , this ended up being our crew, from left to right, Vic from Montana , Geoff, Hastie, Kevin Lowry, Dane, Cory Wilson, Watcho our Japanese connection, and Calgary’s Sean MacAlister .

Cory Wilson here had never been over seas before , skateboarding will do that sort of thing to you….
Sean MacAlister had not been to Barca either , on his first day became a huge fan of the cheap cigarettes and 80 cent bottles of wine.
I’ll say it now, if you have not been yet, your missing out!
Back to some more portraits , this is Dane, he came to film, with about two weeks notice.
Dane has also been editing up a video of the tour that will be playing here very soon.

This was the third time Mike Hastie had been to the land of granite and marble.

Meet Kevin Lowry from Calgary, he was our special guest hopefully he’ll be coming on some more tours in the futur.
Geoff was glad to be back for a second time,

After months of rain, and no where but the Antisocial mini ramp to skate, Geoff and Mike were eager to leave the Vancouver airport to skate for a month..
Turned out our apartment was right in the center of the action, next to this,
the Columbus statue at the centre of town.
We were all stoked on the apartment, but
living with seven people in one apartment takes a bit of getting used to,
Watcho would get up much earlier than us and take photos like this one of the city at dawn,

The rest of the crew saw this every morning, the view from our apartment;

as soon as you stepped outside the ground is so smooth you don’t really need to push,

we’d usually skate down to the waterfront and meet up with some more fellow Canadians,
The water ledges, or MACBA were the meet up spots.
Tons of other Canadians were out here as well, seemed like we were locals or somthing?
Here is Kurt chillin with Dane, watch for Kitsch crew in Kurts upcoming Strange Brew video.
After deciding where to
go, we’d always jump on the train.

The further you ride the train out of the city , the better the spots seem to get?
This is Jussi from Finland, everyone you meet skating here is also very happy to be escaping winter back home.
Cory enjoys the scene out at the Forum,
The spots were just too good to describe, here are a couple we found…

This spot was in a town called Rubi.
Geoff and Sean filmed some lines…

When we were not skating smooth ledge spots like this one,
We would probably be skating some sort of granite or marble bank like this,you could always wander for a few blocks from any spot and find some good food for lunch.
think we could have skated 100’s of miles in total.

there would always be something interesting going on in the streets to look at.
Climbing the 5 flights of stairs every night after skating all day would not be fun, here is Cory, “two more flights bud”
After getting cleaned up , most of us would hit up our local Falafel guy for dinner every night, since this was about 20 feet from our apartment, plus you can’t beat dinner for 3 bucks.
Look at how good those veggies are, food tastes better here for some reason…
Most evenings we’d spend rolling around streets like this one, drinking coffee and exploring the city.
Then when we couldn’t possibly roll anymore, Dane would break out the camera,
and we’d watch the days footy, this was always a good time.
Mike , happy with his clip of the day, feeds Dane some well deserved beer.
Then we’d all try to our best to stay sane, and think about what we might skate the next day.
We would sometimes end up chilling here at night,
With three hours before flying home, his first time over seas, Cory made sure to at least do a little sight seeing, this is the famous la Sangria Familia church.
That pretty much sums up our first trip to Spain,
aside from Hastie somehow knowing someone who was working on our flight,
so it was free drinks the whole way home!